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Seed treatments can protect your corn and soybeans from pests, diseases and adverse environmental conditions. They can also enhance the growth and yield potential of your crops. If you’re looking for high germination rates, healthy seedlings and better crop yields, keep reading about our seed treatments.



Meet Bio Max Corn and Bio Max Soybean

You know Champion Seed uses the strongest rates of fungicides, insecticides and inoculant seed treatments to protect from diseases and pests and combat common seed- and soil-borne diseases. But you need more than an insecticide seed treatment or inoculant seed treatment to maximize your yields.

Our newest innovation combines our existing powerful protection with vital nutrients for enhanced root growth and fast emergence — and mixes it with talc and graphite for an all-in-one planting powerhouse. Get to know Bio Max Corn and Bio Max Soybean: seed-flow agents, seed treatments and biologicals all in one.

Bio Max Corn

GUARD X™ empowers roots to produce chemicals that repel corn rootworm larvae.

biotrinsic® W12 FP enhances drought protection during critical flowering and grain-fill stages and optimizes root growth to improve water uptake.

IONLOCK™ ZINC helps corn emerge faster and produce bigger, healthier leaves.

80/20 Talc/Graphite optimizes seed flow while iron and manganese help keep the plant healthy and strong as it emerges.

Bio Max Soybean

Proprietary triple-stack inoculant seed treatment accelerates early season nodulation for maximum nutrient uptake.

Terrasym® greatly improves root structures for greater water and nutrient uptake.

biotrinsic® Z15 repels and paralyzes juvenile cysts and creates an expanding living microbial zone of nematode protections while enhancing root and plant growth.

IONLOCK™ ZINC fuels emergence and early growth.

80/20 Talc/Graphite optimizes seed flow while iron and manganese help keep the plant healthy and strong as it emerges.

More Champion Seed Treatments

Seed Corn Treatments

Champion Seed selects only the highest-yielding hybrids with the strongest agronomics. Then we protect them from early-season insects and diseases with the strongest rates of the most effective seed treatments. All Champion Seed corn is treated with the 500 rate of insecticide — double the industry standard rate — to give the most robust protection from yield-robbing pests. And our fungicide package uses multiple modes of action to handle any spring conditions.

Explore corn seed

Soybean Seed Treatments

Elevate Select, Elevate and Elevate VIP include four fungicides to combat common seed- and soil-borne diseases. Applied with the latest technology, Elevate packages provide uniform coverage and accurate application to every soybean seed. Plus, we apply the label maximum of every ingredient included in each seed treatment package.

Explore soybean seed