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we only champion the best seed corn traits and genetics

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Closeup of corn cob at harvest

What types of corn genetics and corn traits do we Champion?

Yield. Strong stalks and outstanding standability. Drought tolerance. And of course, disease pressure resistance. There’s always something new ready to attack your corn crop. The right traits from the best genetic platforms can help protect against uncertainty.

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Take some time to browse through our online corn seed catalog or view our yield results. Then contact your local Champion Seed dealer when you’re ready to select corn traits and genetics right down to your county level.

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Variety Trait Relative Maturity Root Strength Stalk Strength Northern Corn Leaf Blight Goss’ Wilt Poorly Drained Soils Early Planting High Fertility Light/ Marginal Ground Irrigation  
27A25 VT2P VT2 Pro RIB 77 8 8 8 6 HR R HR NR HR
29A21 VT2P VT2 Pro RIB 79 8 8 8 7 R HR R HR R
31A23 CONV Conventional 81 8 7 7 5 HR HR HR R HR
31A23 RR2 Roundup Ready Corn 2 81 8 7 7 5 HR HR HR R HR
32A23 VT2P VT2 Pro RIB 82 8 8 8 7 HR R HR R HR
33A20 RR2 Roundup Ready Corn 2 83 8 9 8 8 HR HR R HR HR
33A20 VT2P VT2 Pro RIB 83 8 9 8 8 HR HR R HR HR
34A25 PWC PowerCore Enlist 84 8 8 6 8 HR HR R R HR
35A24 VT2P VT2 Pro RIB 85 7 7 5 7 R R NR HR NR
36A20 CONV Conventional 86 7 8 7 6 R HR HR R HR
36A24 VT2P VT2 Pro RIB 86 7 8 7 6 HR HR HR R HR
36A25 PWC PowerCore Enlist 86 8 8 7 7 R R HR R HR
37A24 AA Agrisure Above 87 8 8 7 8 HR R HR HR HR
38A23 CONV Conventional 88 8 8 7 9 HR HR HR HR HR
38A25 VT2P VT2 Pro RIB 88 7 7 5 7 R HR R HR R
39A25 PWC PowerCore Enlist 89 7 8 8 8 R R HR R HR
40A24 CONV Conventional 90 7 8 7 8 HR HR HR R HR
40A25 VT2P VT2 Pro RIB 90 7 7 8 7 R HR HR HR HR
41A20 CONV Conventional 91 9 8 8 6 R HR HR HR R
41A20 RR Roundup Ready Corn 2 91 9 8 8 6 R HR HR HR R
41A23 AA Agrisure Above 91 6 8 7 6 R HR R HR R
40A24 PWC PowerCore Enlist 92 7 8 7 8 HR HR HR R HR
42A24 SS Pro SmartStax Pro RIB 92
42A24 VT2P VT2 Pro RIB 92 7 7 7 7 HR R HR HR HR
43A22 CONV Conventional 93 7 8 7 6 HR HR HR R HR
43A25 VT2P VT2 Pro RIB 93 7 7 5 7 HR R HR R HR
45A20 Conv Conventional 95 8 8 6 7 HR HR HR HR HR
45A22 DGVT2P DG VT2Pro RIB 95 7 7 6 6 HR HR R HR R
45A25 VT2P VT2 Pro RIB 95 8 8 7 7 HR HR HR R HR
46A24 TRE Trecepta RIB 96 8 8 6 7 HR R R HR R
47A22 CONV Conventional 96 8 7 7 8 NR HR HR NR R
47A22 VT2P VT2 Pro RIB 97 8 7 7 8 NR HR HR NR R
47S23 RR2 Roundup Ready Corn 2 97 8 8 8 8 HR HR HR HR HR
48A23 Tre Trecepta RIB 98 8 8 7 8 HR HR HR HR HR
48A24 SSRIB Smart Stax RIB 98 8 7 7 7 HR HR HR HR R
49A24 AA Agrisure Above 99 8 7 8 7 HR HR R HR R
49A25 Conv Conventional 99
49A25 ORG Organic 99
49A25 PWC PowerCore Enlist 99 8 8 8 8 HR HR HR HR HR
50A23 SS Pro SmartStax Pro RIB 100 8 8 7 7 HR R HR R HR
50A25 VT2P VT2 Pro RIB 100 7 7 6 8 R HR HR R HR
51A23 AA Agrisure Above 101 8 8 7 7 HR R HR HR HR
51A24 Tre Trecepta RIB 101 8 8 6 7 R R HR NR HR
51A25 D Duracade 101 9 8 7 8 HR HR HR HR HR
52A18 ORG Organic 102 8 8 8 8 HR HR HR R R
52A24 Conv Conventional 102
52A24 SS Pro SmartStax Pro RIB 102 8 7 7 7 HR HR HR R R
52A24 VT2P VT2 Pro RIB 102 8 7 7 7 HR HR HR R R
53A20 VT2P VT2 Pro RIB 103 7 8 6 7 HR HR HR NR R
54A25 SS Pro SmartStax Pro RIB 104 7 7 7 8 R HR HR R HR
54B25 Conv Conventional 104
54B25 ORG Organic 104
54B25 PWC PowerCore Enlist 104 8 8 7 8 HR HR HR HR HR
55A23 SSRIB Smart Stax RIB 105 7 7 7 9 NR HR HR NR HR
55A24 TRE Trecepta RIB 105 7 7 8 7 HR HR R R R
55A25 PWC PowerCore Enlist 105 8 8 8 8 HR HR HR HR HR
56A22 CONV Conventional 106 8 8 8 9 HR HR HR R HR
56A22 ORG Organic 106 8 8 8 9 HR HR HR R HR
56A23 SS Pro SmartStax Pro RIB 106 8 8 6 7 HR HR HR HR HR
56B23 Tre Trecepta RIB 106 7 7 6 6 NR HR HR R NR
57A23 VT2P VT2 Pro RIB 107 7 8 7 6 NR R HR NR HR
57A24 Conv Conventional 107 8 9 8 8 HR R HR R R
58A21 CONV Conventional 108 8 7 7 7 R HR HR R HR
58A21 VT2P VT2 Pro RIB 108 8 7 7 7 R HR HR R HR
58A24 SSRIB Smart Stax RIB 108 8 8 6 6 R R HR R HR
58A25 D Duracade 108 8 9 8 7 HR HR HR NR HR
58B25 VT2P VT2 Pro RIB 108 7 8 6 8 R HR HR NR HR
58S23 RR2 Roundup Ready Corn 2 108 8 8 7 7 HR HR HR HR HR
59A25 SS Pro SmartStax Pro RIB 109 7 8 8 9 NR NR HR NR HR
59B25 PWC PowerCore Enlist 109 8 9 6 8 HR HR HR HR HR
60A20 VT2P VT2 Pro RIB 110 7 8 8 9 HR R HR R HR
60A23 Conv Conventional 110 7 8 8 7 R HR HR HR HR
60A23 ORG Organic 110 7 8 8 7 R HR HR HR HR
60A24 SSRIB Smart Stax RIB 110 8 8 7 7 HR HR R R HR
60B23 PWC PowerCore Enlist 110 7 8 7 7 HR HR HR R HR
61A22 Conv Conventional 111 8 8 8 8 HR R HR HR R
61A22 VT2P VT2 Pro RIB 111 8 8 8 8 HR R HR HR R
61A23 AA Agrisure Above 111 7 8 8 7 R HR HR R HR
61A25 VT2P VT2 Pro RIB 111 7 8 8 7 R NR NR HR R
62A21 VT2P VT2 Pro RIB 112 9 8 8 8 HR HR HR R HR
62A25 SS Pro SmartStax Pro RIB 112 8 8 7 8 HR HR HR HR HR
62B21 SSRIB Smart Stax RIB 112 7 8 7 8 R HR HR R HR
62B21 Tre Trecepta RIB 112 7 8 7 8 R HR HR R HR
63A24 SS Pro SmartStax Pro RIB 113 8 8 7 8 HR R HR R HR
63A25 PWC PowerCore Enlist 113 6 7 8 8 NR R HR NR HR
63B24 PWC PowerCore Enlist 113 8 8 6 8 HR HR R HR R
64A22 VT2P VT2 Pro RIB 114 8 9 8 8 R HR R HR R
64A24 SSRIB Smart Stax RIB 114 8 8 6 8 HR HR HR NR HR
64A25 VT2P VT2 Pro RIB 114 8 8 6 8 HR NR HR R HR
65A22 SSRIB Smart Stax RIB 115 8 8 7 8 HR HR HR R HR
65A23 Conv Conventional 115
65A23 Tre Trecepta RIB 115 8 8 8 8 HR HR HR HR HR
65A24 VT2P VT2 Pro RIB 115 8 8 8 8 HR HR HR R HR
65A25 SSRIB Smart Stax RIB 115 8 9 7 7 HR HR R HR HR
65B25 AA Agrisure Above 115 8 9 8 7 HR NR R HR HR
66A22 VT2P VT2 Pro RIB 116 8 9 8 8 HR HR HR HR HR
66A24 SS Pro SmartStax Pro RIB 116 7 8 8 8 R HR R R HR
68A25 PWC PowerCore Enlist 118 7 8 7 8 R R HR HR HR

Corn trait coverage

Key: – No Effect + Some ++ Good +++ Very Good ++++ Excellent

Important: Always read and follow label and bag tag instructions; only those labeled as tolerant to glufosinate may be sprayed with glufosinate ammonium based herbicides. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration status. Performance may vary from location to location and from year to year, as local growing, soil and weather conditions may vary. Growers should evaluate data from multiple locations and years whenever possible.

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